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Times of Our Lives Page 4
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Page 4
“Oh for heaven’s sake, it was just a few bottles. You’ve had triple that amount in the past and not even blinked. Why, just last week we polished off two bottles of red with dinner.”
“Yes but that night, if you remember, you drank most of it; I only had a couple of glasses.” Allie squinted up at Meg through one eye. “How the hell are you so damned chipper anyway? You drank a lot more than I did.”
“Practice makes perfect. Now, are you going to get out of bed so we can get ready? We don’t have a lot of time, and I don’t want to miss anything.”
She lay there looking at Meg, trying to remember what could possibly be important enough to make her want to stand upright.
“Um, remind me again…”
“Honestly, Allie,” said Meg in exasperation. “Today is Wednesday and the first day of Zumba classes for the season. I’m told that the teacher is gorgeous and looks like a goddess in a leotard. So, go and jump into the shower whilst I find your exercise clothes.”
Allie lay there bewildered, then started to laugh. “Darling Meg, this trainer, goddess though she may be, is probably forty years younger than we are. Have you considered what on earth we would even do in the unlikely event that she suddenly discovers that she has an attraction for older women? Good grief, I’m likely to have a coronary just thinking about it.”
“That’s the trouble with you, Allie Richards,” Meg snapped, slamming the wardrobe door. “Just because you’re in your sixties, you think you’re written off. Well, you might think like that but don’t expect me to. I’m going to the gym and if she smiles at me, I’m damn well smiling back. If you can drag your ancient bones out of bed, I’ll see you there. If not, I’ll see you later.” Meg turned and stomped angrily out of the cottage.
Despite her spinning head, Allie sat up, stunned. What on earth had prompted Meg to turn on her like that? Allie thought back to the episode on the golf course. In all their years of friendship, they had rarely quarrelled; now Allie was really concerned. She knew she would have to tread carefully in her efforts to discover what exactly was upsetting her old friend. In the meantime, she supposed, sighing, a pretty face would cheer her up and some exercise might be just the thing for her hangover.
Caro dropped heavily onto the leather sofa next to the desk where Louise was working on accounts.
“I’ve just dropped Bella and Pat back at their cottage and helped settle Bella into bed,” she said despondently.
“How did she go today?” Louise asked.
“Well, she looks as if a puff of wind could blow her over, and I’m not sure how much more of this either of them can take. I think Pat’s about ready to break.”
Despite all that the nursing staff at the hospital tried to do for her, this last course of chemotherapy was making Bella incredibly ill. Louise, as owner and manager of OWL’s Haven, was in regular contact with Bella’s doctors to ensure that whatever she needed was available for her at home.
Louise put her pen down and studied her partner. Caro’s distress was evident, and Louise rose to join her on the sofa. Caro sighed, resting her head on Louise’s shoulder and taking her hand.
“I spoke to the nursing staff while Pat was getting Bella into the car. They think it would be a good idea for her to be admitted as a patient until she finishes the course. They’re quite worried that she’s having such a bad reaction this time round.”
“There’s no way Pat will let Bella go into hospital by herself, and I don’t see the hospital letting Pat stay each time she has a treatment,” Louise said softly. “How did Pat react to the suggestion?”
Caro grimaced. “They haven’t mentioned it to either of them yet. I guess they didn’t want to add more stress to an already really shitty day.”
Louise sat thinking, an idea germinating in her mind. “There may be a way…”
“What are you thinking?” Caro asked, sitting up.
Louise stood. “Let’s think outside the square.” She started pacing, her default action when she was trying to think. “The hospital wants Bella there so that they can monitor her more closely and look after her, right?”
She turned to Caro for confirmation.
“Yeah, pretty much.”
Louise resumed her pacing, “…and we don’t want Bella and Pat to be apart any more than they do, right?”
Louise smiled and sat down on the arm of the sofa, running her fingers through Caro’s hair. “So the solution is simple. We hire a trained nurse to look after Bella here. That way, she gets twenty-four-hour care, they don’t have to be apart, Bella will be in her own home and both of them will have support from the residents and staff here.”
Caro smiled and closed her eyes, relaxing as Louise’s fingers gently massaged her head. “You are a genius. You know that don’t you?” Opening her eyes, she hesitated as a thought hit her. “I hate to bring it up, but it might be pretty expensive. I don’t know that Bella and Pat can afford it; you know how proud they both are.”
Louise squeezed Caro’s shoulder and stood to walk back to her desk. “I’ll speak to the board and our insurers. There may be a way of offering a long-term payment plan at a slightly reduced rate. These women are family, and if we present the option properly, I think they will be happy to accept the extra help.”
Caro stood and stretched, trying to roll the tension out of her shoulders. “Well, I think it’s a brilliant idea. Let’s hope they agree.”
“I’ll go and talk to them both later this afternoon,” Louise replied, looking for her planner and trying to ignore the paperwork strewn across her desk.
Caro frowned. “You look tired, honey. Why don’t you give yourself an early mark and come home so I can look after you? Take some breathing space before you go and see Pat and Bella. We could even see if Naomi can give us both a massage. Heaven knows I could use one; my back feels like a plank of wood.”
Louise let out a long breath. There wasn’t anything on her desk that couldn’t wait until tomorrow and the thought of a massage and a few quiet hours with Caro sounded wonderful.
“That might just be the best offer I’ve had all day. You, me and a heavenly massage.”
“With warmed scented oil, in a dimly lit room,” added Caro in a sultry voice.
Louise rose and walked into her partner’s arms. “I suggest you stop talking and we start moving now, or I’ll turn around and lock this door and neither of us will be going anywhere for quite some time.”
Allie placed her unfinished book on the side table and stretched out on the sofa. A low thrumming headache had made her tired and restless most of the afternoon. She put it down to the unseasonable heat of the last week. Allie hated sleeping without her window open, but even after dark, the heat had been relentless and her broken sleep was beginning to take a toll. She was resigned to closing her window and leaving the air conditioning on tonight in the hope that she would sleep through.
She was about to settle back to her book when she heard Meg letting herself into the cottage. They had traded door keys when they’d first moved in, and Allie often came home to find Meg waiting for her.
“Are you decent?” Meg called out, making her way down the hallway.
Allie laughed. “Would it make any difference?”
Meg entered the room and dropped onto the sofa. “No, probably not, but my mother brought me up to always ask.” She fixed Allie with a mischievous grin. “So, what are you doing?”
Allie narrowed her eyes. She could see that Meg was up to something and wasn’t at all that sure she wanted to find out what it was.
“Why?” she asked cautiously.
“Well,” Meg leant forward to look Allie straight in the eye. “Myself, Daphne and a few of the other women have decided that it’s such a gorgeous evening, we’re going swimmi
ng—and I think you should come with us,”
Allie blinked. “Isn’t the pool closed?” She glanced at her watch. “I mean, it’s six-fifteen at night.”
Meg waved her hand dismissively. “Oh, you are such an old stick in the mud. There are ways to get around things like that. Besides, you were complaining of a headache all afternoon. A swim will make you feel like a new woman, and as I keep telling you, if you’re lucky you might find one,” she added, laughing at her own joke.
“Oh Allie, come on,” Meg interrupted. “It’ll be fun, and it’s so damn hot! Just think, a nice cool swim… Please, for me?”
Allie shook her head and laughed. She had never been able to say no to Meg’s madcap ideas and she had to admit that a swim did sound tempting. She placed her book on the table and rose from the sofa.
“All right, just let me get my costume.”
Meg grabbed her arm. “No, no costumes. We’re going skinny dipping.”
“We’re what?” Allie looked at her friend incredulously.
Meg stood, dismissing Allie’s objections. “Just stop making a fuss and come on. We’re meeting Daphne and the others at her place. Leslie’s got some vodka too, in case we get thirsty. The others are bringing soft drinks and cheese and fruit. Have you got any of those delicious quiches left over?”
Allie groaned loudly as she followed Meg to the kitchen. “Oh Meg, this is such a bad, bad idea.”
“Nonsense. We’ll have a ball and it’ll be fine. What could possibly go wrong with a quick swim and a few drinks?” Meg asked as she took the quiches out of the fridge.
“Oh, I don’t know,” muttered Allie, putting the small pastries in a container while Meg selected a bottle of wine. “But I’m sure we are about to find out.”
They met up with the other skinny dippers outside Daphne’s cottage, and the five of them quietly made their way to the pool. A fading twilight bathed the grounds with shadows, and the women watched in delight as an owl flew silently overhead. Lights were glowing over in the clubhouse, and they could hear faint strains of music.
Sparrow flicked on a small torch she had brought with her, checking that the darkened path ahead was clear.
“Keep the light low, Sparrow,” Leslie said. “We don’t want anyone to spot us.”
Sparrow dipped the light as the women quickly crossed the lawn to the locked pool.
“Oh, I can almost feel that cool water against my skin already,” Daphne whispered excitedly.
“I hate to be the voice of gloom, but how are we supposed to get in?” Allie asked. “In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a bloody big padlock on the gate and I’ll tell you now, there is no way I am climbing that fence.”
“More than one way to skin a cat,” Daphne quipped, stepping forward. “Now, Sparrow, if you can just hold that torch just about there…”
Turning the padlock, she inserted a small, thin wire into the key barrel. The others watched, fascinated, as she very gently manipulated the wire inside the lock.
“Almost there,” Daphne breathed. “Come on, baby… Yes.” The padlock clicked open.
“Bloody brilliant,” declared Meg. “Well done.”
Daphne smiled triumphantly. “Like riding a bike, you never forget how to do the important things in life.”
The women trooped into the pool enclosure, Daphne quietly closing the gate behind them. The all-weather pool was wonderfully private and small. Underwater lights glowed softly, making the still water appear incredibly inviting.
“All right ladies,” said Meg, “let’s get organised. For heaven’s sake, remember not to turn any lights on.”
Sparrow positioned the torch so there was just enough light to see what they were doing as they unpacked the food and drinks together with plates and utensils.
“This feels like those midnight feasts we used to have at boarding school,” Sparrow whispered excitedly, looking at the tempting array of food. “It’s always so much more fun when it’s illegal.”
“So, what do we want to do first?” asked Meg. “Swim or eat and drink?”
“Probably more sensible to swim first and drink later, don’t you think, Meg?” Allie answered. “Unless, of course, you plan on giving mouth to mouth resuscitation for the evening’s finale.”
Meg stuck her tongue out in response. “Ever the practical one.” Pausing, she considered her friend carefully. “Though, I must say, now you mention it, I do like the thought of that mouth to mouth thing.”
“Always good to keep up to date with the latest techniques, Meg,” Daphne added with a snigger. “I’m a great believer that practice makes perfect.”
“Well, ladies,” Meg announced, peeling off her clothes, “you know what they say, last one in’s a rotten egg.”
With that, she winked at Allie and dived naked into the pool. Moments later, she was joined by a flurry of pale, naked bodies as the other women also abandoned their clothing and entered the water.
“Oh,” swooned Daphne. “This is absolutely heavenly.”
“I must say, there is something about not wearing a costume,” Sparrow murmured, trying not to feel too self-conscious.
“Yep, really cools off your lady bits,” added Leslie.
Daphne, who was in the process of quietly swimming her way over to Sparrow, swallowed a mouthful of water and came up spluttering. Sparrow took her arm, concerned.
“Are you all right?” she asked.
“Yes, I’m fine,” gasped Daphne, forcing a smile. “Just swallowed some water the wrong way.”
Across the pool, Allie nudged Meg and Leslie. “Is it my imagination, or do you think we might have ourselves a romance blossoming over there?”
The three of them looked over. Daphne and Sparrow were standing absolutely still, their bodies almost touching, completely focussed on each other.
“Well, it’s very possible. Sparrow seemed hesitant to join us tonight until I mentioned Daphne would be coming as well,” Meg replied.
Leslie smiled. “Well, I don’t see any sign of hesitation now from either of them.”
Leslie swam over and grabbed a large beach ball from the side of the pool.
“Toss it to me,” Daphne called quietly.
Daphne caught the ball and tossed it back, but before Leslie could reach it, Sparrow stretched out and intercepted. Allie almost had her hand on the ball when Meg lunged over and pushed her head under the water.
“That’s cheating,” Allie spluttered, laughing, as she resurfaced.
“You snooze, you lose,” called Meg, tossing the ball back to Sparrow before grabbing Allie. “Let’s make this interesting,” she said to Leslie. “What say we break into two teams.”
“But there’s only five of us,” Sparrow said.
“I’m happy to be referee,” Leslie said. “I suggest Daphne and Sparrow versus Meg and Allie.”
Sparrow turned to the others, who quickly agreed to the challenge.
“Let’s make some rules,” said Leslie. “If the ball touches the water or leaves the pool, it’s a point against that side. First side to ten points loses. The main rule is, you are not allowed to drown each other. Let the games begin!”
The ball flew from side to side. The women lunged, leapt and laughed. The score was nine apiece, and Meg was getting ready to serve the ball. Watching her take aim, the much taller Daphne stood behind Sparrow and whispered into her ear. As the ball started to sail high over their heads, she put her hands around Sparrow’s waist and lifted her clear out of the pool. Sparrow gave the ball a solid whack and watched with delight as it hit the water just out of reach of Allie’s hand.
Daphne lowered Sparrow back into the water and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Well done! That was a champion shot.”
“It was your idea,” Sparrow replied. “Did you see the expression on Meg’s face a
s you lifted me out of the water? I thought she was going to drown, she was laughing so hard.”
Allie swam over to them. “I’m sure that was cheating, but it was so damn funny I don’t care.”
“I don’t know about the rest of you,” declared Meg, “but I’m starving and all that splashing around has given me a thirst.”
Slowly the women got out of the pool and padded over to the tables. Finding clothes and towels, they dried themselves off, dressed, and started preparing the food and drink.
“Well I think that takes care of this month’s exercise. I had no idea I had that much energy,” Sparrow chuckled. “This was a great idea, Meg.”
“Well we wouldn’t have been able to do it without Daphne’s lock picking skills, so here’s to her,” Meg toasted, raising her glass.
Leslie smiled. “Should we ask exactly where you learnt to do that?”
Daphne winked at her. “The great school of life.”
“Sounds a whole lot more interesting than the one I went to,” Sparrow said quietly, arranging a plate of fruit and cheese.
“Did I hear you say earlier that you went to boarding school, Sparrow?” Meg asked, looking over the selection of food as she ran her fingers through her wet hair.
Sparrow nodded as she took a seat next to Daphne and poured them each a small glass of wine. “Yes, five years at a Catholic, all-girls boarding school in the middle of the English countryside, while my father was stationed at the Army base in Aldershot.”
“Wow, so is it true about Catholic boarding schools? Are they hot beds of lesbian passion?” Leslie asked dramatically.
“Well, sort of. I mean, I did have a sort of a thing with another girl… Well, we just kissed a lot,” Sparrow admitted, blushing.
Daphne passed her a biscuit with cheese. “What were the nuns like? Did they roam the corridors at night seeking out students engaging in illicit acts?”